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Consultant in Paediatric Immunology & Bone Marrow Transplantation




Great Ormond Street Hospital, London

Some children are born with defective immune systems and have problems dealing with infections, or develop abnormal responses causing inflammation and autoimmunity. The genetic basis of many of these conditions can now be determined using a combination of gene screening tests and assays to determine immune cell phenotype and function



Bone & Blood Stem Cell Transplants


Where defects of the immune system lead to serious complications, bone marrow transplantation is often considered. Stem cells can be collected from bone marrow, from peripheral blood and from umbilical cord blood. A well matched donor ( a HLA matched sibling) is the preferred choice, but with improved techniques, unrelated donor and mismatched transplants are also widely used. We are developing approaches to limit complications such as graft versus host and disease and virus infections.
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Great Ormond Street Hospital




Transplantation outcomes have improved notably over the past two decades and collection and analysis of data from patients treated at GOSH and other centres has been crucial.  There are ongoing collaborations linking centres worldwide to ensure as much information as possible is collected and published for some of the very rare conditions we treat. New treatments are provided as part of clinical trials with approval from regulators and after ethical review.
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